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Investor Database with 50,000+ contacts
No matter what project you're working on, we've got you covered with the best wireframe kits for any platform.
Verified Contacts
Access investors with valid email addresses, verified through analysis of their past deals.
Up-to-Date Information
Our database is updated weekly with new investors and accurate details.
All Industries Covered
No matter your startup’s industry, you’ll find the right investors.
All Funding Stages
From pre-seed to Series A, B, C and beyond — our database caters to all fundraising stages.
Save weeks of repetitive work, raise fast, get investors!
$200 off for purchases made in February
I'm not a fun of databases, but this one exceeded my expectations. I used the emails to launch an outreach campaign and was blown away by the response rate. Within hours, I had multiple conversations going, and one investor even flew down for a meeting!
Manuel R.
CEO, Tech Distribution Startup, US